I was fortunate to meet a representative from the society at the conference and had a lovely talk. I asked her to send me information on any events they have coming up and she asked me to share this with you: Currently, they are celebrating their three-week celebration Seasonal Sizzle through December 19th.

By the way, some of the chefs at independent restaurants created special holiday recipes that were specifically designed to be festive, easy-to-prepare AND affordable. Also, if you have not ever visited Ashevile, consider going. I really is a lovely and thriving town and I must say, the food scene is fantastic.
To excite you even further, the Foodtopian society is giving away a handmade bundt cake pan from the New Morning Gallery and a recipe book from the Folk Art Center. Who in their right mind would not want a bundt pan and a cookbook?
Entry RequirementsPlease do the following two things to enter for a chance to win this giveaway:
1. Become a fan of Savor the Thyme Fan Page and leave a comment on Facebook that you have joined.
2. Tweet the following and leave a comment here with the tweet " Seasonal Sizzle underway in Asheville! http://alturl.com/gynh #avlsizzle "
Extra Entry Requirements
The following three entries are optional and will earn you two extra entries.
*Rate this video WITH 5 StARS and leave comment here that you did so.
*Follow me @savorthethyme and leave a comment HERE with your twitter handle stating you are now following.
* Sign up for our Foodtopian Society e-mail newsletter and leave a comment HERE

I am a fan now on facebook
I am already following you... @IamSucceeding
Facebook Fan: carolyn gonzalez
tweeted http://twitter.com/carogonza/status/6606074858
signed up for newsletter
facebook fan : )
I really need to get on that twitter boat, don't I? : )
fb fan and wrote on the wall
follow on twitter and tweeted @misaacmom
2nd entry for follow and tweet (one for tweet and one for following)
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/cewillia/status/6670930849
And I started following you from @cewillia.
Just rated the video!
Following you @AvanikaYB
Have been a fan and collower for a long time. Hubby is also a fan because ur site has provided great recipes
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