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Friday, April 23, 2010

Baked Tortilla Chips: Salt, Chili-Lime & Garlic-Cayenne

A few weeks ago, I had bought 2 packs of Whole Wheat tortillas because they were on sale as a Buy 1 Get 1. After having quesadillas one night, I had a choice to make: freeze the other package or use them in a recipe. I decided that it would be fun to make our own baked tortilla chips and have some fun with the kids while experimenting with flavors.

We made three flavors: Salt only, lime-chili and a cayenne-garlic. We started by cutting the tortillas into 8 wedges, spraying them with Pam Olive Oil Spray and then baking them until crispy. The kids loved being able to shake all the seasonings on the chips (minus the cayenne) and then pick their favorite flavor.

I was a bit concerned that we would regret using the Whole Wheat tortillas and wishing we had saved this experiment for Corn Tortillas but we truly enjoyed the flavor and texture.

Ingredients (Salt):
Whole Wheat Tortillas
Pam Olive Oil
Coarse or Sea Salt

Ingredients (Chili-Lime):
Whole Wheat Tortillas
Pam Olive Oil
Coarse or Sea Salt
True Lime - 1 packet
Chili Powder

Ingredients (Garlic-Cayenne):
Whole Wheat Tortillas
Pam Olive Oil
Coarse or Sea Salt
Garlic Powder
Ground Cayenne

1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F

2. Cut each tortilla into 8 wedges and place them in a single layer on a cookie sheet.

3. Combine the seasonings (I did not measure them out so have fun with it) in a small bowl and set aside.

4. Spray the wedges with Olive Oil spray and dust with the seasoning mixture. Flip the wedges over and repeat.

5. Bake for 7 minutes, flip the wedges over and bake another 7 minutes. You can probably skip flipping them over and simply rotate the pan if you prefer.


DailyChef said...

Oh, yum! Which was your favorite flavor?

Jen @ My Kitchen Addiction said...

Lovely! I love baked tortilla chips. I have been trying to make my own homemade corn tortillas, but they haven't turned out right yet. This is good inspiration for me to keep trying, though!

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