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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Crayons for Cancer

Recently, I have become involved in an organization called 'Crayons for Cancer' which raises funds to help families with kids currently battling Cancer. This is done by taking broken, unused crayons, removing the paper, sorting them by color, melting them and pouring it into molds. The resulting crayons are then packaged and sold for $1 a bag.

100% of the proceeds from Crayons for Cancer goes to Children's Hospitals to support their Oncology Units. Current partners are: Connecticut Children's Medical Center, Minneapolis Children's Hospital and the Hasbro Children's Hospital. The funds help in two ways:

1. Family Funds help families cope with their child’s illnesses by off-setting the cost of parking and meals while they stay at the hospital.

2. Treasure Chests where young patients go to choose prizes after enduring tough chemotherapy, radiation treatments and/or blood tests.

Please watch the video below and consider becoming involved in this organization by going to or email or


ExtraordinaryMommy said...

Jen - this is wonderful - happy to sort and donate our old crayons - where would I send them. Wonderful cause.

The Diva on a Diet said...

What a wonderful charity, Jenn! And one I've never heard of either, such a great idea. Love the shaped crayons.

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