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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

EatingWell Wednesday - -Shrimp with Watermelon and Pineapple Salsa

It's true, it is. There is one food that my kids swear they do not like and it is shrimp. They swear that can not stand it but I know that that is only true when it is naked. You know, when it is not covered in a batter. I do not necessarily mean fried as they eat my crunchy baked shrimp, but simply coated.

Taking this into consideration, I decided to do what I normally do not do: make 2 dinners. My hubby and I wanted to have a 'date night' but since my daughter had a fever, a sitter was out, so we dined in. The kids ate early and I gave 'Shrimp with Melon and Pineapple Salsa' from EatingWell a shot.

The only deviations I made are as follows: I used 51-60 shrimp as that is what I had in the freezer. For melon I used watermelon and I did not use mint as sorry but I still despise it. I said and I feel free.

If you are a person that is a huge fan of sweet balanced with spicy than you will love this! The freshness of the melon with the heat was really noticed by my husband and he does not usually comment on such things.


Donna-FFW said...

THIS LOOKS DELICIOUS. I am not a huge mint fan either, only in mojitos and chocolate baked goods.

Jersey Girl Cooks said...

Bookmarked! I love shrimp and this salsa looks wonderful.

Mary Bergfeld said...

The colors of your shrimp dish are just spectacular. I can't wait to try this one.

Tangled Noodle said...

I am defintiely a fan of sweet and spicy! We love shrimp dishes and the addition of watermelon sounds so refreshing.

Have a safe trip to Chicago and a great time at BlogHer. I look forward to hearing all about it!

pve design said...

I just picked up a wonderful book from the library all salads, and one had shrimp with red kidney beans!
Then I see here shrimp and watermelon.... the shrimp gods must be aligning to send me a sign!

Bits said...

This is so healthy and delicious! Love it.

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