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Friday, June 25, 2010

Power Packed Foods - Strawberries

There are certain superfoods that you know are very good for you but you (or the children) just do not enjoy in their natural form. Take strawberries for example, my daughter loves to eat them directly off the ground but my son will not however, he does like them. How do I know? He loves Strawberry yogurt.

Other ways to enjoy them:

*Muffins: One of our favorite snacks around here are my Strawberry Muffins. In addition, I have incorporated other fruits such as Kiwi.

*Pancakes: How about serving up a batch of Oatmeal Pancakes with some fresh Strawberry puree on top or even mixing puree into the batter to make pink pancakes?

* Make some strawberry popsicles or even real ice cream.

* How about making some healthy smoothies or shakes?

*And for a real treat, how about strawberries dipped into real chocolate or caramel ? I have never heard of anyone complain about eating strawberries then!
What others ways would you incorporate Strawberries?


Nancy Grossi ~ Churned In Cali ~ The Wife of a Dairyman said...

Strawberry muffins sound and look delicious!

Tangled Noodle said...

I love strawberries and vow to make several recipes this season (they come in a little bit later so I think I still should be able to score local ones even in late June/early July). Strawberry ice cream, here I come!

FoodontheTable said...

I like strawberries in everything! Make "fruit sushi" with a wheat tortilla, cream cheese, and strawberries.

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